Author Archives: pauline

Berbagai Cangkir Gelas Souvenir untuk Promosi

Gelas cangkir souvenir adalah sarana pas untuk cinderamata korporat, Kami pabrik dan tukang sablon Cangkir gelas souvenir, berguna sebagai item promosi untuk para nasabah dan pelanggan perusahaan atau souvenir tanda mata kenang-kenangan peroorangan.

Mengapa order Cangkir Gelas Souvenir ke kami?

  1. Kami pabrik gelas di Cibinong bogor dan siap kirim ke kota mana saja jika Anda butuh kerajinan sablon decal untuk cangkir mug gelas sufenir
  2. Sebagai Tukang sablon gelas dan pembuat dekal bakar pada gelas cangkir, kami siap merancang souvenir berupa gelas dof, cangkir dove dop untuk rekanan / pelanggan Anda sebagai memory kenang-kenangan perorangan maupun korporat.
  3. Kami dibutuhkan oleh berbagai perusahaan atau EO maupun perorangan untuk membuat gelas souvenir Anda sebagai salah satu branding Anda.
  4. Pabrik / vendor supplier souvenir lain seperti tas souvenir dan karet gantungan kunci berlogo.

Penerjemah Bahasa Inggris Tersumpah / Sworn di Bogor

Anda cari Penerjemah Bahasa Inggris Tersumpah / Sworn di Bogor ? Kami Penterjemah Tersumpah Sworn di wilayah Bogor. Kontak kami untuk kami terjemahkan / translate dokumen legal Anda. Dokumen bahasa Inggris untuk diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia atau sebaliknya naskah dari bahasa ke Inggris, kami siap.

Cara Kirim Naskah untuk Sworn Translation di Bogor?

  1. Kirim dokumen untuk Terjemahan tersumpah di Wilayah Bogor lewat Whatsapp, lewat Email, atau lewat berbagai instrumen percakapan online lainnya.
  2. bisa juga lewat Pos manual tiki / JNE atau sejenisnya ke alamat kami. WA Kami untuk kami kirimkan alamat kantor penterjemah / translator sworn kami ke pada Anda
  3. Bisa juga datang ke lokasi kami untuk serahkan dokumen kami untuk layanan bisnis jasa terjemahan Tersumpah di wilayah Bogor sentul depok cibubur dan sekitarnya.

Walau kami di Bogor, kami siap kirimkan hasil terjemahan Sworn bahasa Inggris dari / ke Indonesia ke seluruh wilayah di Indonesia menggunakan ekpsedisi umum.

Rubber Souvenirs Factory Singapore Guaranteed Cheapest No. 1

Rubber Souvenirs Factory Singapore Cheapest No. 1

The Cheapest Rubber Souvenirs Factory Singapore Guaranteed : Rubber Keychain Keyrings, Wristband, mug coasters, Badge nametag logo, Mug Glass Coasters, Fridge Magnetic The MAKER

Why you can rely on us as Rubber Souvenirs Factory Singapore?

  1. As We produce and make these following promotional Rubber Silicone Items
  2. Long time veteran in rubber souvenir making factory
  3. Ready to send / ship to any cities in Singapore and Indonesia

Rubber Souvenirs Factory Singapore Cheapest No. 1Rubber Keyrings Souvenirs

Any logo of your company or brand of your products name and symbols can be embossed on the rubber souvenirs as shown on the left image.

This keychain rubber souvenirs as the merchandize items for your promotional vehicle. You can harness this promotional rubber keyrings for branding your products or company name across the Singapore country or beyond.

The cute design of this promotional rubber keyrings appeals those looking / glancing this. Tempting them to posses it or touch it.

We can help you to design Rubber Souvenir from keychain, magnetic rubber for refrigerator, rubber wristband, nametag badge logo, or mug rubber silicone coasters when your guests dropping by at your premise.

rubber silicone wristband for promotional giftsRubber Wristband Souvenir

Promotional Wristband is another items for promoting your business or brand. Wristband from rubber silicone is used as an eye-catching merchandize to attract your audience market to enter your market.

Your Logo Brand / Company is a special one, we can emboss it or demboss it on this silicone wristband.

Send your Artwork to us immediately for us to help you out with the design.

Magnetic Rubber fridge / refrigeratorMagnetic Rubber Gifts

This is special for magnetic rubber giveaways to your relations / customers. Why important for free advertising? Since every houses have refrigerators and potentially the best to catch the attention of your target market to your products brand or come to your selling your products, promoted by magnetic rubber souvenirs.

Send your artworks or logo in Pdf / JPEG to us and we can create it. Send .Ai or PDF format.

Should your Artworks more than 25Mb, please put it rather on online storage like iCloud or Google storage. if Your file is under the 25MB, you can still send email or Whatsapp.

MUG COASTER from Rubber silicone

Awesome and cool design of mug glass coasters from rubber and yet eye-catching artworks of this one rubber coasters for mug glasses is very effective for attracting new buyers or customers to come to your site or to push them to buy from you.

Free Quote and for artwork design we can create for you and pls send your file to us either in Jpeg format or other formats such as .PDF or TIFF or PNG, but in .Ai or Corell format is preferable.

nametag holder from rubber or badge logo in singaporeRubber Nametag Badge Logo Items

Pls pay attention to this holder of identity card. Normally many companies enforce the rules for the employees to wear this identity for their workers entering the office premise.

We are more than happy to serve you better for this cooperation in making the embossed or dembossed rubber molding.

Rubber Badge Logo Nametag as your corporate souvenirs.