Category Archives: Rental speech Teleprompter


Rental TV LED Matador di Medan | Layanan Sewa Monitor Prompter Matador di kota Medan | Kontak WA Hotline 085210745506

Rental TV LED Matador di Medan | Layanan Sewa Monitor Prompter Matador di kota Medan | Kontak WA Hotline 085210745506

Mengapa perlu SEWA TV LED untuk Pameran dan Rental Monitor Teleprompter Matador ke kami?

  1. Kami pemain lama di kota Medan untul layanan rental TV Prompter Matador.
  2. Ayo kontak kami untuk sewa Monitor LED Matador ke kami.
  3. Kami melayani persewaan berbagai macam TV LED Monitor dengan berbagai keperluan
  4. Layanan Penyewaaan TV untuk pameran, Monitor LED TV untuk pembicara sebagai basis teks matador.

Kami mitra media menyewakan perlengkapan seperti monitor led, videotron, infocus/projektor unuk acara meeting, seminar, pameran, pelatihan,acara sosialisasi dll.

Kami menyewakan berbgai macam merek monitor led terbaik dan terupdate. selain itu kami juga menyewakan monitor untuk berbagai macam ukuran mulai dari :

  • 32 inch TV Pameran LED
  • 42/43 inch TV LED Matador
  • 55 inch Monitor LED standing
  • 65 inch TV Monitor Prompter
Sewa TV Pameran dengan Standing di Medan | Rental TV Matador di wilayah seluruh Medan

Monitor LED TV memiliki fungsi ganda yang mongombinasikan TV dan Monitor Komputer, yang menghadirkan cara baru untuk mengombinasikan teknologi dengan gaya hidup.

Memerlukan koneksi internet dan berlangganan layanan streaming.
*Layanan yang didukung berbeda di masing-masing negara.

AirPlay + Berbagi Layar + Bluetooth

Koneksi Nirkabel Cerdas

Anda dapat berbagi konten dengan mudah dari perangkat pintar ke monitor Anda dengan AirPlay (untuk perangkat Apple) atau Berbagi Layar (untuk perangkat Android). Anda juga dapat menikmati suara yang kaya dengan penyandingan Bluetooth.

*AirPlay : Mirroring dan streaming tersedia dari perangkat iOS, iPadOS, dan macOS.
*Berbagi Layar: Didukung di Android atau Windows 8.1 dan yang lebih tinggi.
*Bila menggunakan perangkat Android, perangkat Anda harus terhubung ke jaringan Wi-Fi yang sama dengan Monitor TV Anda.
2 x Speaker Stereo 5W

Pengalaman yang Imersif dengan SEWA TV LED di Medan

Nikmati film atau game Anda dengan suara stereo yang realistis. Dengan speaker stereo internal, tidak perlu speaker tambahan di sekitar monitor Anda.

Rental Speech Stage Teleprompter to deliver Talk or Interview or Endorsement

Speech Presidential Teleprompter for Rental in  Malaysia & Singapore to deliver Talk Interview

We are the rental service of stage speech teleprompter in Malaysia & singapore | talk speech teleprompter for rental rental|vendor or platform prompter | rental service of platform teleprompter | rental service of stage telepromter | renting tablet teleprompter in singapore | renting from us ipad prompter | Rent out ipad teleprompter | renting stage prompter: These all services belong to our expertise.

Why do you need to rent Speech Teleprompter or Camera Prompter from us?

  •  You have come to the reliable vendor of speech Teleprompter, speech Prompter all are used to make your event succesful
  • Reading your speech using speech teleprompter to deliver talk and interview with one way mirror giving the ease to read easily while delivering the talk during any conference events in singapore town.

You need to rent our Teleprompter speech rental in Singapore? We offer you standby tech when you use rental service of Speech Talk Teleprompter in Singapore

  • Send us your outline talks or textual speech to be uploaded to our Telepromter software and system prior to delivering the talk
  • Our technician can stand by and help you install the prompting software and all the teleprompter system during the D DAY to make your event successful
We are the rental service of stage speech teleprompter in Malaysia & singapore | rental vendor or platform prompter | rental service of platform teleprompter | rental service of stage telepromter | renting tablet teleprompter in singapore | renting from us ipad prompter | Rent out ipad teleprompter | renting stage prompter: These all services belong to our expertise.

There are Three kinds of Teleprompter tools equipments that we can provide you for rental :

  1. Speech teleprompter for giving talk or to deliver talks during seminar or conference
  2. Handycam teleprompter or camera video teleprompter for shooting
  3. Software teleprompter that can work with LED TV as shown below cabled from the PC or laptop via hdmi / VGA cable to display the running text for the seminar speakers on the stage.
We are the rental service of stage speech teleprompter in singapore | rental vendor or platform prompter | rental service of platform teleprompter | rental service of stage telepromter | renting tablet teleprompter in singapore | renting from us ipad prompter | Rent out ipad teleprompter | renting stage prompter: These all services belong to our expertise. 
Above photo is another way to read your speech or material outline talk using the TV LED, We are the rental service of stage speech teleprompter in singapore | rental vendor or platform prompter | rental service of Talk teleprompter | rental service of stage telepromter | renting tablet teleprompter in singapore | renting from us ipad prompter | Rent out ipad teleprompter | renting stage prompter: These all services belong to our expertise.